Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sonja Lawson, Brian Hunter and the Harmful Digital Communications Act:

Sonja Lawson and Brian Hunter - serial litigants, long term beneficiaries and convicted fraudsters

Copied below is an excerpt from a document which Sonja Lawson has filed in Court as part of her latest litigation - a claim under the Harmful Digital Communications Act:

Here is the ALLEGEDLY "threatening, intimidating, menacing, grossly offensive, indecent, obscene" post, containing alleged "false information", which Ms Lawson alleges "is clearly posted to harass [her] in more ways than one." -

The harmless and innocuous post was published in response to Ms Lawson's repeated demands for this information about her co-claimant in other litigation, serial fraudster Brian Hunter, and a few of the lawyers representing Lawson and Hunter.  One of her incessant text messages on the subject is reproduced below, the full transcript in context is at this link.

There are numerous other messages in a similar vein, demanding information about Hunter and the lawyers representing Lawson and Hunter - Lawson mentions Hunter at least twenty times in these messages.

Here's another document Sonja Lawson has sworn on oath and filed in the New Plymouth Court in her claim under the Harmful Digital Communications Act - THIS IS BLATANT PERJURY!  It is also a blatant abuse of the Court processes - it is clear that her claims about the allegedly harmful facebook post are utter rubbish!  They are deliberately fabricated, exaggerated beyond belief - her claims are an orchestrated litany of LIES!

I strongly suspect that Ms Lawson is delusional.  Here she is now accusing me of perjury for stating that she begged me for information regarding her co-claimant Brian Hunter and knew perfectly well that he is a serial conman and was using a fake name on the claim bearing her own name as co-claimant.  She emailed me a copy of the claim, and it bears her own handwriting.  She is clearly and indisputably committing perjury and has the cheek to deny it and accuse me of that instead.

There are numerous Court judgments stating that various judges in various Courts have preferred the evidence of others over the evidence of Ms Lawson and Mr Hunter, and basically confirmed a long and well documented history of untruths uttered by them in Courts.  It's long past time this was directly addressed by the Courts.  Ms Lawson is clearly lying and attempting to manipulate the Courts and obstruct justice.

Ms Lawson and Mr Hunter have a long and well documented history of litigation and it speaks for itself.

Para 123 (below) hits the nail on the head:

This speaks for itself:

It is clearly ridiculous for Sonja Lawson to claim to be so "harmed" by the communications at issue when she thinks it is fine to direct her own communications in such a manner.

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